Global Provides Groundwater Treatment for MDOT Grandview Parkway Project in Traverse City.

Frac tank for storing raw groundwater
Transfer pump with automatic pump-out capabilities
SF-243 sand filters for pre-treatment (2)
MWT-6K3 GAC treatment trailer for carbon adsorption
Ion exchange vessels kept on standby for additional filtration as needed
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Grandview Parkway project in Traverse City required installation of deep storm sewer structures, with construction managed by Team Elmer's of Traverse City. Groundwater at the site was contaminated with BTEX compounds, necessitating dewatering and treatment to meet environmental safety standards.
The key challenge was safely managing and treating BTEX-contaminated groundwater during the construction process to ensure compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, while keeping up with tight project deadlines. Global provided a comprehensive treatment system to handle the dewatering and groundwater treatment needs, and offered hands-on training for Team Elmers' staff to ensure the proper daily operation of the treatment system.
An EGLE-certified industrial/commercial wastewater treatment plant operator oversaw system operations, classified for A-2b filtration, B-2b ion exchange, and B-3b carbon adsorption. Global also handled all NPDES monitoring requirements and provided rapid response services to adapt to changing site conditions and help meet tight project deadlines. Expert groundwater treatment kept the project safe, on schedule, and compliant with environmental requirements, allowing the storm sewer installation to finish successfully before Traverse City's busy season.
Aerial site photos provided by Team Elmer’s.
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