Decades of renewing resources that restore communities

Tailored environmental consulting to meet unique project requirements and navigate Michigan's evolving compliance landscape.

Expert engineers, geologists, & technicians for optimal environmental outcomes

Environmental field study investigation.
From first discovery call to last site visit, we determine current-state quickly and accurately.
Environmental engineering and treatment team meeting.
As a start-to-finish remediation provider, we outline detailed next steps and options to get there.
Woman working as environmental engineer.
Our team works diligently to design custom remediation systems and operational processes.
Custom fabrication of water treatment system.
Each custom treatment system is fabricated in our 20,000 sq. ft. facility in Holly, Michigan.
Environmental remediation system installation.
System installation is completed by our state-certified engineers, geologists, and field technicians.
Filter change out on contamination site.
The same team that installs each system also supports system operation and maintenance.

Navigate regulatory waters with compliance experts

Navigating ever-changing environmental laws, regulations, standards, and permitting is a demanding responsibility. We serve as your technical partner and site liaison in understanding current federal, state, and local environmental compliance.
Stormwater Permitting
NPDES, DMR, Monitoring, & Reporting
Required Sampling Events (air, water, soil)
Pollution Prevention (SPCC, PIPP)
Underground Storage Tank Removal

Uncover insights and ensure remediation accountability

Environmental investigations characterize the extent of groundwater and soil contamination, then guide monitoring and corrective action. When action is needed, we provide preliminary feasibility assessments and implementation recommendations.
Feasibility Assessments
Conceptual Site Model Development & Enhancement
Pilot Tests
Implementation of Remedial or Corrective Action

Evaluating tomorrow's environmental impact, today

We conduct environmental due diligence prior to acquisition of contaminated property to reduce state and federal liability for prospective buyers.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)
Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA)
Brownfield Project Management
Due Care Obligations

Comprehensive experts in specialty contaminants, including PFAS and vapor intrusion

We offer expert PFAS and vapor intrusion environmental consulting services, including assessment, remediation, and compliance, with a seamless handoff to our Treatment Solutions team for effective remediation installation and operations.
Per-& Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Sampling
Vapor Intrusion Sampling
Mitigation Recommendation & Documentation
Pilot Testing
Seamless Transition to Remediation Installation & Operations

Ready to discuss your project requirements with an engineer?

Our process starts with a free consult and site visit to understand the specific needs of your unique project.